Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Don t Text, Just Drive Texting While Driving - 1604 Words

Lone Star College Don’t Text, Just Drive: Texting While Driving Adam Polkinghorn GOVT - 2305 6005 Professor Ricard 14 April 2017 Adam Polkinghorn Professor Sarah Ricard GOVT-2305 6005 14 April 2017 Don’t Text, Just Drive: Texting and Driving â€Å"I hope you brought a phone charger!† Rachel said excitedly as she started up the car. â€Å"This is going to be a long drive and I can’t have my phone die, but, at least texting doesn’t use much battery.† George shook his head and plugged the phone charger into the cigarette lighter. â€Å"It’s a good thing I’m a great multitasker, even while driving,† stated Rachel. As Rachel pulled out onto a busy road, with her new cell phone in one hand and her other on the steering wheel, George†¦show more content†¦683). It makes sense to target the next wave of young drivers with education on the dangers of texting while driving. Even if a small portion of younger drivers can be properly educated then they will be able to stem the increase of drivers that choose to text while driving. If they fully understand the dangers associated with driving while distracted, the more likely it’ll be that they choose not to be influenced by social acceptance of this dangerous habit. However, targeting the younger drivers with educational campaigns may not be the sole solution to deter this potentially life-taking habit of today’s drivers. Through the improvement and enactment of primary vs secondary laws and the enforcement of the former, would help minimize the number of accidents and fatalities. Ferdinand et al (2014) concluded, â€Å"Our analyses indicate that primarily enforced texting laws are associated with fatality reductions among younger individuals, both drivers and nondrivers [sic]† (p. 1375). By enabling law enforcement to better enforce a primary law that bans the act of texting while driving, the high number of fatal accidents would decline. But, some, if not most people nowadays, particularly the younger generation, would not respond as well to heavily enforced laws with accompanying fines. So, there must be a more attractive, extralegal option to discourage those who continue to tempt fate and drive distracted. Seeking out and choosing an extralegal option to implementShow MoreRelatedTexting And Driving Is A Good Thing Essay1248 Words   |  5 Pagestheir phone. Texting and driving is one of the most daring things people can do on the road now a days. It is a tragic practice in the United States that needs to be stopped. It’s taking many lives of peoples family and friends around the United States today. This phenomenon of texting and driving exists and it isn t a good thing. Although many people would agree that texting and driving isn t a safe act many still do it. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pizza Hut-Consumer Behaviour and the Preference Towards a Brand free essay sample

The research is used to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing norms and allows market researchers to predict hypothetical scenarios upon which a company can base its business plan If the objective is to determine which variable might be causing ascertain behaviour, i. e. whether there is a cause and effect relationship between variables, causal research must be undertaken. In order to determine causality, it is important to hold the variable that is assumed to cause the change in the other variables constant and then measure the changes in the other variable. Hut is one of the leading food outlets in India. It offers its customers a wide range of food items. Pizza hut as a brand has reached to its growth stage as the brand offers a variety of products and many cuisines. The market reach of the product is significant it is a known brand in the market and has 90 franchised stores in India. We will write a custom essay sample on Pizza Hut-Consumer Behaviour and the Preference Towards a Brand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pizza hut extensively market ant advertise its brand name by using various method and tools commercials being one of them. Pizza hut vigorously advertise through television commercials. It details the consumers about the products it offer with the range of prices, which gives the consumers a brief idea about the place and brand. The commercials tell us about the new range launched and offers. Pizza hut also do a lot of print and in door promotions, it distribute its pamphlets giving details about the variety of delicacies it offer providing the general public knowledge and interest. It also distributes a lot of discount coupons with the purchase to invite the consumers to purchase more. Pizza hut faces an extensive competition as there are many brands offering the same product line.