Sunday, December 29, 2019

Personal Experience My Parents Divorce - 860 Words

7th grade was the year I woke up. My mom called me into her bedroom late one afternoon and was still sitting on her bed, wearing her pajamas. The bright and cheerful sunshine that lit up the room gave a false ambiance of the tension that clouded the air. I already knew what she was going to say, but I did not want to believe it as the truth. I had noticed that my mom and dads relationship with one another was growing apart just by the way they acted around each other. The conversations between them became shorter and their affection for one another began to fade. My dad spent his nights falling asleep watching TV on the couch, while my mom slowly disappeared back into her bedroom, alone. This had been happening for a while now, so I do not know why I was even surprised when my mom said to me that, â€Å"Your dad and I are getting a divorce†. I should have seen it coming. The clues were all in front of me, but I was too afraid to put them together. I was scared because, for the first time in my life, the image of my perfect family was crumbling before me. I knew inside that my family was falling apart, but I was desperately holding onto the fibers that I thought were keeping us together. It is hard to believe that one encounter can change the course of ones life forever. In this instance, I was awoken from the dream that I had been living in for so long. After my mom announced that she was getting a divorce from my dad, I found that it became increasingly harder for me toShow MoreRelatedThe Emotional, Spiritual, And Psychological Effects On Children Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesThrough the emotional, spiritual, and psychological effects children experience during a divorce, spiritual distress and uncertainty, fears of commitment and abandonment, and disassociation from relationships manifest themselves in these children. 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